On Changing Australia

Former Telstra boss Sol Trujillo was in the news last week after a keynote where he claimed he “changed Australia”. I found this quite interesting, as only last week-end I heard a story from someone at a social gathering. She was being charged for a service which she claimed she had never asked for and was disputing the claim. After several interactions with Telstra’s escalation process she was told somewhat forcefully that they would not be refunding her money because they had a call recording on a particular date where her husband had asked for this service to be started. She found this most interesting since on the date they had nominated her husband had been dead for several weeks. Later she was called back by another representative of Telstra, who appologized and said that the dispute resolution service was outsourced, and the outsourcer was financially goaled on having disputes settled in Telstra’s favour. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if Sol changed Australia for the better or not.