Host integration article from Simon Guest

Inter-op wonk Simon Guest has posted a fairly comprehensive article showing how to use NEON’s ServiceBuilder to integrate with host systems (NEON recently acquired this technology from clientsoft, so people maybe be familiar with this already). ServiceBuilder integrates well with VS.NET to allow fields to be mapped to character-based screen fields. I think this approach is a perfectly valid approach for integrating with host systems, especially if the screen definitions are fairly static. I’m getting ready to post something on my own experiences in the host integration space after a recent stint using Microsoft Host Integration Server 2004 to (attempt) to talk to some host systems. »

Winforms source-code comments redux

It seems Shawn Burke’s idea of making the source to windows forms 2.0 available to customers has raised some interest here, here and here. For those of you who are saying to yourself “surely their comments couldn’t be THAT embarassing, what’s all this brouha about?” have a look at this: . When the windows source code was leaked onto the internet around 1 year ago there were some fairly choice comments found in there. »

CodeCamp Oz - I'll be presenting

I decided to put my hand up to give a presentation on ASMX enhancements in .NET framework 2.0 at CodeCamp Oz. I’ve never been to Wagga Wagga, and thought if I didn’t volunteer to do something then I’d end up not going for one reason or another. I hope they have a “speakers lounge”. I hope they have cool t-shirts. »

Dear weblog spammers - fsck you

One of the reasons I moved to my own weblog is because I wanted to try my hand at writing something to prevent weblog spam. Unfortunately I haven’t got around to this yet, and in the meantime the first 4 comments on my new blog have been spam. So I thought I would take this time to write an open letter to weblog spammers out there. Weblog spammers - I dislike you and your little “business model” very much, and will do everything in my power to ensure that none of you get a single URL from my weblog pointing to one of your sites. I will delete with extreme prejudice any post that looks like spam, and will put in place technology that will make it harder for you to abuse my site by posting your crap here. In short - fsck you.


Darren Neimke
Good luck with the spam prevention Joseph; and well done in moving your blog out. Incidentally, how did you migrate your content across?
5/02/2005 1:48:00 PM


Shawn Burke is trying to ship the source of winforms with Whidbey

It seems that Shawn Burke is trying to get the source for windows forms shipped with framework 2.0/VS 2005, which sounds pretty exciting. He also mentions that some other teams are trying to do this too. I wonder who? I found the ROTOR/SSCLI code quite interesting to peruse. »

Showing the Internet Properties dialog from Managed Code

An interesting tip from Rob Gruen on showing 2 ways of launching the internet properties dialog from managed code: I like the PInvoke way myself [DllImport(“inetcpl.cpl”, SetLastError = true)]<?xml:namespace prefix = o />/o:ppublicstatic extern int LaunchInternetControlPanel(IntPtr hWnd);            /o:p  /o:p // Launch the IE internet properties as a modal dialog for this winform/o:pLaunchInternetControlPanel(this.Handle); I’ve heard that in framework 2.0 the networking stack will even support IE’s “Automatically Detect Settings” mode, which should make network configuration and troubleshooting end user connectivity issues much easier. »

Web Services Link Interface

Some interesting articles and resources from around the web, grouped loosely around the theme of Web Services.WS-Contract First: Importer Extensions in Whidbey (there has GOTTA be a better way to register these things than edit machine.config, right): Schema construct support in XML Serializer 2.0: extensible, versionable schemas: Axis Interoperability: the Username Token in WSE:  »

Is it just me?

Is it just me, or are the classes with the following description in the documentation “This class supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code” always the most interesting? »

The ubiquity of web applications

I recently went on an overseas holiday and was without normal internet connectivity, and also without my laptop. This brought into focus the reality that just because an application can run in a browser means that it is universally available. Of the three web apps I use most regularly (.Text, OWA and GMail) none of them worked flawlessly across all the browser platforms I used. Of the three OWA was by far the best - the only problem I could really report with it was that in Japan on some XP machines when I tried clicking “send” it didn’t work. »