Interesting re-entrant tracing behaviour in .NET 2

Dan alerted me to some interesting re-entrant behaviour he was seeing in an application ported from .NET framework 1.1 to .NET 2. I did some digging and was able to write this fairly innocent looking program:

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace TraceListenerTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Trace.Listeners.Add(new TestListener());
            Trace.Write(“this is a test”);

    class TestListener : TraceListener
        public TestListener()
            TraceListenerCollection l = Trace.Listeners;

        public override void Write(string message)

        public override void WriteLine(string message)

If you add this trace listener programatically (for instance by commenting out the first line of the “Main” method) everything works as expected, however if you add the trace listener via a configuration file you get a stack overflow in the TestListener constructor. Exciting, and certainly not the way things worked in .NET 1.1.