My colleagues at readify continue to launch new community-related innitiates all the time. In roughly the last month Mitch started a Monad community site, Clarke started dotnetdownunder (still waiting for good things to appear there) Rocky (with a little help from some friends at Microsoft) kicked off TechTalkBlogs and I started my WPF community site - LearnWPF. Yesterday I heard that Derrick Buckley has started a Microsoft infrastructure user-group in Sydney. Readify as a company has also got into the community spirit and launched Readifridays, a free friday-morning seminar run in different locations around Australia. The first session is by Derrick who is talking about his experiences rolling out Live Communication Server inside our virtual company, and federating it with Microsoft’s LCS servers. These are all new initiatives on top of the regular stuff like CodeCamp Oz, starting, running and speaking at user groups, and starting and running technical mailing lists that my co-workers seem to find time for.