Serviced Components and the road to Indigo

I have been a little put off investigating Indigo as it exists in the PDC developer preview, since I have read that the Milestone 5 release (which is NOT in the PDC developer preview) added a considerable amount to the API (especially in terms of ease of use). Here is some good advice about using today’s technologies with Indigo in mind.

I’ve also been investigating serviced components/enterprise services, and found this excellent FAQ on GotDotNet.

I uninstalled ReSharper a couple of days ago - I found it’s code completion features less useful than what VS.NET provides. I did not really get around to investigating it’s refactoring support (which is supposedly one of it’s strengths), so it is perhaps not a true test of it’s usefulness. Maybe in a couple of releases time I will give it another try.


Stefan Cullmann
You are right. The code completion is just slow and it seems that I always press the wrong keys :-)
I installed ReSharper just because of its refactoring support. It has just two refactorings: rename and introduce variable.
I tried it in my current leisure time project. I liked the way it works. Instead of choosing functions like "rename variable", "rename class", "rename parameter" etc there is yust one rename. ReSharper knows what to do.
I liked the syntag highlighting of ReSharper too, I never knew what I have been missing.

I disabled ReSharper in VS-AddIns so it doesn’t start at default. There are also some issues regarding my german Visual Studio I guess. Refactoring tools are coming to VS, regardless if it will be named ReSharper or Whidbey.
15/03/2004 3:27:00 AM