
I tried out JetBrains ReSharper tonight while working on a couple of things. Overall it seemed nice, but nothing special. I certainly didn’t have the mind-blowing experience some others have had while using IDEA, but it is still only a “bleeding edge preview“. Since I’ve never used IDEA I am probably missing out on a lot of the “nice” features that have been included in ReSharper - there is a list here I will have to try out, and a good introduction at Michael Yuan’s blog. The speed and stability seemed fine in the version (build 71) that I downloaded.

In a very selfish way I’m sort of glad that ReSharper is not THAT good since I have to code VB.NET at work, and JetBrains show no sign of releasing a tool for VB.NET. Now if only Microsoft will add real refactoring support to the Whidbey release of VB.NET……


The fact that Microsoft will release refactoring support for both VB.NET and C# will give it a definite edge over any refactoring add-in (Resharper or C# Refactory).
8/03/2004 3:30:00 AM
I thought the status of VB.NET’s refactoring support was up in the air, and there was some talk of it being a reduced set of features compared to C#.
8/03/2004 6:48:00 AM
Serviced Components and the road to Indigo
14/03/2004 8:12:00 PM
I just got an email yesterday about the release of which supports VB and C#
24/03/2004 8:18:00 PM
David Goldstein
v1.0 is released and it rocks!

check it out!
27/07/2004 12:38:00 PM
Vadim Markoff
ReSharper is a piece of crap… but once there’s nothing better, fine… let’s consider it a TOOL…
And arrrggg… after you try to uninstall it you lose even that bit (compared to VB) of intelli-sense available in VC#…

I feel limited, limited, limited by VC#… I’ve been working with .NET for full 3 years on extremely advanced levels…
Sometimes it’s so ridiculous VC# can’t do what VB can… I like VC# but… I’d prefer the Lexus VB instead of the tractorish VC#…

Politically correct decision of Microsoft to bring non-Microsoft people into the MS World via VC# has succeded though…

18/10/2004 10:19:00 PM
PS. I meant VB.NET, obviously…
18/10/2004 10:21:00 PM
JetBrains will launch a full-scale C# IDE mid-next year seemingly (with possible VB.NET support), so get ready for some serious competition – it’s also gonna offer an updated plugin for VS .NET 2005 – and will, as JetBrains always seems to do, add more productivity features, refactorings, etc… than you can shake your hat at (or Whidbey will come with) …
25/11/2004 9:19:00 AM